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Our manifesto will be released later this year in line with our campaign for Government.
Our manifesto represents our programme for Government to build a better Zambia and is built on the following pillars:
Getting People Out of Poverty and Into Work
Deepening Economic Reform, But with a Human Face
Enabling the Private Sector to Drive Wealth Creation
The Making of a Better Zambia – For All Her People
Stewardship of Our Country for The Next Generation
We start from the position that poverty reduction occurs largely as the result of overall economic growth. However, emphasis must be placed on specific poverty alleviating policies to ensure that poverty reduces from the outset of the commencement of our plans. Previous governments have failed to aggressively focus on these policies but they are at the centre of our first pillar, People Centred Development: Getting People Out of Poverty and Into Work. These polices include placing our energy on Job Creation programmes, implementing policies to boost Formal Employment in the economy and delivering strong Employment Law protections. Also, the necessity of Land Reform and the critical element of delivering an Agriculture Revolution that will drive down the poverty that is experienced in our rural areas and that affects the majority of our people. Our people centred development cannot be realised without a strong role for women and we have developed emphasis on Giving Women Opportunities to fully participate in the coming economic growth. Finally, recognising that the engine of development and poverty reduction is the expansion of an army of small businesses and enterprises across the county and so a major plank of our plans is the Encouragement of Small Business and Cooperatives to thrive.
Transforming the economy will not be easy. There are certain fundamental reforms that must be brought about before the wider economy can flourish. It is these basic and essential improvements that constitute the second Pillar of our transformation plan. We have developed plans that will increase our economic resilience through strengthening our Macro-Economic Resilience, Transforming the Financial Sector,Fighting Corruption, restoring and building our Infrastructure and bringing new Foreign Direct Investment to our country.
We want Zambia to be a country in which business works for the people – a place where entrepreneurs know they can build on their ideas and find success whilst creating benefits for the wider population. We want this not only because businesses are good for society – creating the jobs that put bread on the table and generating the tax revenue that funds our vital public services. But because we believe that we should do everything we can to support individuals who want to start their own small company or for large private companies who want to invest in Zambia. We will focus on Enabling International Trade through a supportive trade policy and seamless trade routes. We will provide an effective framework for businesses to commence and expand in key sectors of our economy including Tourism, Mining, Manufacturing and Services. We will also critically work to transform the Energy supply. Our mission in the NETP is to give every individual and every company across the country, and beyond, the opportunity to fulfil their potential here in Zambia.
We have one Zambia. We are of her and she sustains us. In return, we are accountable to her as her dutiful children. This pillar recognises this interdependence within society and encourages us all not only to live together, but to thrive together. Living Together means a clear focus and support for young people through a Youth Policy and supporting a major programme of Education and Vocational Education and Training which will provide the skills which can be used throughout life to build not only our own individual prosperity but the prosperity of the whole nation. Primarily young people drink from the well of education and will benefit from it throughout their lives, but our older citizens have already contributed to our society. Those who are aged over 65 today are Kaunda´s Children; this is the generation that was to prosper in the free and independent Zambia that he envisaged. We have an Intergenerational Contract to fulfil, thanking them for their contribution to our country and assuring them that they are not alone in old age. An important part of this contract is the development of Civil Society, which exists in Zambia, but which requires encouragement so that it can step forward and reach into the hidden corners of society and so buttress the foundations of our democracy. Thriving together also means the NETP will work to develop our Sports, Arts and Culture. Overall, we wish to emphasise, we plan a way to live together under this pillar that promotes characteristics of integrity, patriotism, unity and self-reliance. We wish Zambians to find ways to support each other in a spirit of oneness in a just and corruption free society.
Under the Living Together Pillar we outlined our commitment to an improved Zambia in which we live and prosper together. For this to happen there are things that government must deliver on a daily basis that will ensure the framework for a transformed Zambia. Government must work to a sustainable agenda – and we fully subscribe to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set out by the United Nations. This sustainable approach must relate to the way our country works…the way it functions. We will establish a National Development Bank and a system of Cooperative Banks that will work alongside private banks to ensure that funds are directed to all parts of society and the economy. We sustain and respect our people through delivering a decent Health services paid for through a fair and efficient taxation system. We will ensure that all our citizens have access to suitable Housing. We recognise their need to get around for private and work-related reasons on a working Public Transport system in sustainable cities and in the wider country. Water and Sanitation is one of the basics that people can expect from their government – we will transform government performance in this area. Citizens also expect to be safe as they go about their daily lives, we will deliver a consistent and sustainable policy with regard to Justice, Law and Crime. We will ensure the Government develops productive Relations with Africa and the World. Underpinning the Governments work will be the implementation of an Effective and Fair Taxation system.